Words by Scott B. Ruete, USCG Retired, Arlington Project Chairman
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Over these years, we have replaced hundreds of feet of old damaged fencing in various locations throughout the facility. Some has been with new 6’ high black vinyl coated chain link and framework and some with 4’ high 3-rail black commercial grade aluminum and steel fencing.
This year, we removed approximately 250’ linear feet of 4’ chain link and installed Ameristar Montage Commercial Steel Fence in its place. We had about 35 volunteers from two countries and eight states to help with the project.
Photo: The Arlington National Cemetery Service Project for 2015 was to replace the chain link above with Ameristar Montage Commercial Steel Fence.
The concrete was donated by Mr. Klevecz of HD Supply Company. We staged the project out of Sterling Virginia-based Builders Fence Company, owned by Dave Swisher & Ted Hall.
The day before the job, the Weather Channel predicted nice and sunny conditions but that morning at 5:00am, we saw nothing of the kind. Pouring down rain and cold temps greeted us. The project had to go in, however, and everyone showed up in good spirits.
The rain quickly subsided and allowed our crews to get to work, and by 2:30 in the afternoon, we were finished. One crew had to build a makeshift bridge to install three sections over the pool of runoff they were dealt, but the fence turned out beautifully.
I was thanked by Brian Moore, Deputy Superintendent of Arlington National Cemetery and asked to pass along thanks to all who participated from the entire staff, from our country and most of all, from the families of those who serve.
I would like to personally thank all of those members and non-members who donated their time, effort, money and commitment to this year’s project. It was my pleasure to meet and work with each of you. It is a true honor to work each year on this project and it is my intention to continue it as long as I am able. We will never run out of work, as there is always an area in need.
We are seeing more folks bring their younger family members each year and to watch them help is inspiring. We all get an opportunity to visit the Cemetery on our own time after the project is finished. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame, and much more are there for all of us as reminders of the sacrifices that have been made to safeguard us as Americans.
If you ever get a chance and would like to help out one year with this labor of love, through material or financial donations, or by participating in the work on site, please contact us at NAFCA, as we look forward to many more years of service to our country.